Time Logs allow members to track time spent with a preceptor or at a clinical site. Follow the steps below to manage time logs submitted by members.
Click your homepage's orange "Pending Time Log" notification button to review pending time logs. You can also click the "Time Logs" tab on your home screen. You may need to look for "Time Logs" in the "More" drop-down on the right.
NOTE: *If your organization uses multiple time log types, click the "Time Log Title" to view the logs awaiting approval.
Click the "List" button next to the time log type you want to manage (some school coordinators have multiple time logs). Time Logs that are "Active" are available for review. Time Logs that are "Locked" have closed and cannot be reviewed.
After clicking the "List" button in the "Time Log Types" table, you will see a table that displays member time logs (for the time log type) separated by status. Time logs can be managed individually or in bulk. To manage an individual time log, click the "Edit" (pencil) icon next to the specific time log.
Select "Approve," "Needs Info," or "Denied" from the drop-down. Selecting "Needs Info" will send the time log back to the member, allowing them to update it. We recommend leaving a note if a log is set to "Needs Info." You may also add any comments in the "Entity Notes" section. Once finished, click "Save." Click "Save & Next" to save your changes to the time log and move to the next log awaiting approval.
NOTE: Before saving the time log, you may see a message stating that there are skills attached to the time log. For further instructions, please see the Skills section below.
To approve time logs in bulk, select the boxes next to the time logs you would like to approve, then click the "Approve Selected" button at the top of the table.
Click "Skills" on the left under the navigation panel in an individual time log.
On the "Skills" page, please review the skills selected by the member. You can also add or remove skills. To add a skill, click the "Select a Skill" drop-down and the "Level" drop-down. Click the "Remove" box next to any skills you want to remove.
Click "Save" or "Save and Add Another Skill."
In the navigation panel on the left, click "General" to return to the time log.