This article will cover how to manage member compliance in ACEMAPP.
The Manage Students (Affiliated) table displays essential details of your student's account, including their profile information, last login date, and email address. Affiliated students are those directly connected students to your entity. If your entity has requirements set up, this table will show you their completion status.
To access your Manage Students (Affiliated) table from your home screen, click the "Members" tab, then "Student" in the affiliation column.
The Compliance column indicates if your student is pre-compliant, meaning the student has completed your school's requirements. If there is a red x, your student must complete all your school requirements. Hover over the red X to view a list of incomplete items.
Under the "Actions" column, click the "Requirements" button (book icon) to view and manage student requirements and documents, including requirement completion and expiration dates. The member has a pending document if the "Requirements" button is blue.
The Manage Students (by Rotation) table displays your students' compliance status based on their requirements. Any students assigned to a rotation will be listed in this table, separated by rotation status.
To access the Manage Students (by Rotation) table from your home screen, click the "Members" tab, then click "Students" in the rotation column.
The Manage Students (by Rotation) table separates the student's compliance by category. The clinical site assigns post items. Hover over the icon to view a list of any incomplete or expiring items. "In Progress" means that the student has not completed all pre-compliance items.
Use the "Requirements" buttons to manage member documents and requirement dates.