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Student User Guide
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Student User Guide

ACEMAPP is a collaborative platform for healthcare education, compliance, and recruitment. The Orientation video provides an overview of your responsibilities in ACEMAPP to meet clinical rotation compliance.
The steps below provide general guidance and may vary from your school and/or clinical site's specific process.

Step 1: Email Verification and Login

Once your school has created your account, we'll send a verification email to the email address linked to your ACEMAPP account. You'll need to verify your email before logging in. Use the Resend Verification button on the login page.

After email verification, expect a message from ACEMAPP containing a link to set your password. If the Password Email isn't found, visit, click "Login", enter your email, and select Forgot Password to set it.

Step 2: Profile, Payment, and Home Page

When you first log in to ACEMAPP, you will be prompted to review and consent to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Your profile is considered part of your compliance and must be completed before you can navigate to your home page to complete requirements.

Some schools require students to pay the $50 ACEMAPP membership fee. Once your membership is paid, you can navigate to your Student Home Page to complete your assigned school and clinical site onboarding materials.

You can easily navigate ACEMAPP by creating shortcuts, setting your home page as the default, and using bookmarks and breadcrumbs effectively.

Step 3: Complete your Requirements, Custom Fields, and Learning Materials

Click your "Name" in the upper right blue area and select "Student" under the Navigation panel to arrive at your Student Home page. If you cannot upload documents for your requirements, check to see if your school uses a third-party Vendor or manages them for you by entering completion dates.
If your school or clinical site utilizes a third-party vendor integration, the associated Vendor logo appears in the Vendors table on the left side of your home screen.

Step 4: View Affiliations & Check Compliance

Your home page's "Affiliations" section shows your compliance.

You must check the "Compliance" column for your school and each rotation you are assigned to in ACEMAPP. A green check indicates that you have completed everything in ACEMAPP. A red "X" means that you have incomplete items. By the red "X", you can see what must be completed to show compliance.

Pending items are considered incomplete until the school or clinical site approves them.

NOTE: If you have questions, please contact ACEMAPP at or 844-223-4292.

The completion of all required items in ACEMAPP.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.

The completion of all required items in ACEMAPP.

The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

The 365-day access period for any billable member type.

A custom field is part of the profile displaying customized fields from an entity.

A course, module, or assessment.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

The completion of all required items in ACEMAPP.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

The completion of all required items in ACEMAPP.

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Overview of Student Home Page
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Navigating Between Dashboard and Member Home Pages
Access your dashboard for easy navigation between your member home pages. Set a default home page to be directed to that page upon login.
Checking Compliance with your Affiliations
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SCORM Courses
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Learning Materials for Students & Faculty
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Custom Fields
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Completing Your Profile
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Log in to ACEMAPP
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Email Verification
You will not be able to access your account without verifying your email. We will send a verification email to each email address on your account. Please check your email inbox, including spam folders, and click the link provided within the email to complete the verification process. Verification emails are valid for seven days, after which they will expire.
Getting Started with ACEMAPP
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