Step 1:
From your homepage, click the "Reporting" tab to open the Reporting Dashboard.

Step 2:
On the Reporting Dashboard, click "Rotation" and locate the "Customized Rotation Data" report. Click on the "Run Report " button.

Step 3:
Select your report filters.

- View By: Choose to view report results in a table or calendar.
- Entities: Select which partner entity was on the rotation.
- Programs: Select which program the rotation was for.
- Experience: Select the rotation experience type (Cohort, Precepted, Requested, etc.).
- Statuses: Select which rotation status you would like to see (Accepted, Completed, Denied, etc.).
- Terms: If your entity utilized school terms in ACEMAPP, you can select which term you wish to see.
- Courses: If your entity uses Courses (Schools) or Units (Clinical Sites), you can select specific ones here.
- Start Date (Start of Range): Enter a date to display rotations starting on or after the chosen date
- Start Date (End of Range): Enter a date to display rotations starting on or before the chosen date
Step 4:
Select your fields by checking the boxes next to each field or dragging from "Available" to "Chosen." Then, click "Submit" to run the report.

Step 5:
If this is a report you will run repetitively, save the report by entering a name and then clicking the "Save Query" button.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.
An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.