Article: ACEMAPP Process When Schools Create Rotations

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ACEMAPP Process When Schools Create Rotations
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ACEMAPP School Process and Next Steps
School requests partnership if one is not yet established.
help desk guide:Search and Request Partnerships
ACEMAPP notifies clinical site of partnership request.
Clinical site approves or denies the request.
ACEMAPP notifies the school of the decision.
School creates student(s) account in ACEMAPP to establish a connection with their program.
help desk guide:Create New Member Account
ACEMAPP sends verification and login information to new members. For students with existing accounts, a request to affiliate with a school or program.
Student verifies email and logs in to complete profile to fulfill school requirements. Existing ACEMAPP users must approve the affiliation request to connect with their school and program requirements.
School creates rotation request with the clinical site after the partnership is approved.
help desk guide: Create A Rotation.
ACEMAPP notifies the clinical site of the rotation request.
Clinical site approves, denies, or sets the rotation status to "needs info."
School assigns student/faculty to the rotation.
help desk guide: Assign Member(s) to Rotation
ACEMAPP notifies students/faculty they’ve been assigned to rotation.
Student log in to complete clinical requirements and onboarding to show compliance.
School approves requirement documents and monitors student compliance.
help desk guide: Manage Member Requirement Documents
help desk guide: Checking Member Compliance with School and Site Requirements
Student receives weekly reminders of incomplete requirements.
ACEMAPP sends roster to clinical sites for approved rotations when all assigned members show compliance.

Related Articles

Search and Request Partnerships
The partnership directory is where schools and clinical sites manage their partnerships in ACEMAPP. Use the partnership directory to request new partnerships and manage partnership documents. Schools must have an active partnership with the clinical site to request a rotation.
Create New Member Account
Create new member accounts for Students, Clinical Faculty, Preceptors, and Observers using the "Add One" feature.
Create A Rotation
Please follow these steps to create a rotation request with one of your partnered entities in ACEMAPP.
Assign Member(s) to Rotation
When you assign a member to a rotation, they receive notification of the rotation details and are prompted to check their account for clinical requirements. Students or Faculty can access clinical site requirements only after being assigned to the rotation.
Managing Member Requirement Documents
ACEMAPP allows members to upload, share, and store documents. As a school or clinical coordinator, if a document is required by your school or clinical site, it will need to be approved. To manage requirement documents uploaded by your members, please follow the steps below.
Checking Member Compliance with School and Site Requirements
This tutorial will cover how to check member compliance in ACEMAPP. If you have any questions, please contact us.