Schools and clinical sites can create and customize their organization's entity profile in ACEMAPP. For schools, this information is visible to members (i.e., students, faculty, etc.) directly affiliated with your organization. For clinical sites, this information is visible to members through either a rotation assignment (most common) or a direct affiliation (less common). An entity profile can describe the organization, parking information, security information, and more.
To locate your Entity Profile, click the "More" tab and select "Entity Profile" from the drop-down.
Click "CMS Config" to modify the entity profile setup. You can create tabs to separate information by user type, program, or information category.
Select "Yes" or "No" for each option, then click "Save."
Click "Add Page" to create a new page within your profile.
"Name" the page, add "Content," set the "Publicly Visible" setting, and the page "Status".
NOTE: The visibility setting determines if the user needs to be logged in to ACEMAPP to view the page. If this is not enabled, the page will only be visible to logged-in members
Click "View Profile" to see the information you have added to your profile.
"Member CMS" allows you to add a new entry to your broadcast messages or edit an existing message.
Once your entity profile is complete, we recommend making an announcement to share the link on member profiles (i.e., students, faculty, etc.)
If you would like assistance with your organization's entity profile, please contact us.
An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.
Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.
An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.
The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.
A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.
An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.
The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.
The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.