Article: Managing Your Preceptor Schedule

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Managing Your Preceptor Schedule
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Managing Your Preceptor Schedule

This page shows all entities you are connected to as a Preceptor. You can provide your availability based on your partnership(s). You may release your schedule to students so they can see your availability. If you are missing an entity and would like to have it added to your ACEMAPP affiliations, please get in touch with the coordinator for them to send you an invitation link.

To find your "Preceptor Schedule," you will click the "Preceptor Schedule" tab at the top of your home page or find it under the "More" tab.

Navbar highlighting Preceptor Schedule under the More dropdown button.

Step 1:

Fill in your "Name" and "Title".
Fill in any Contact Details you wish to include.
Fill in the Address or click the "Match Entity Address" to have the address filled in automatically.

Preceptor schedule highlighting Name, Title, Contact Details, Address, and Match Entity Address fields.

Step 2:

Select your "Status" at the facility (employee, affiliate, independent, etc.).
Select your "Schedule Status" (Active or Inactive). Enter any Notes regarding this schedule.

Preceptor schedule form highlighting Status at Facility dropdown, Schedule Status dropdown, Schedule Notes fields.

Step 3:

Schedule, fill in the "Shift Start Time" and a "Shift End Time" (Use a 24h format).

Click "Save" to save your changes.

Preceptor schedule form highlighting Shift Start and Shift End columns and Save button.

An Affiliation is a connection between a Member and an Entity.

Affiliations define Member Types and often include Graduation or End Dates.

An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

An Entity is a School, Clinical Site, High School, Company, etc.

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